Essential Oils can have instant and powerful effects. After a long day, lighten your STRESS and ease tension by adding the SOOTHING BLEND to your daily routine.
Rub one to three drops into your neck, shoulders, feet, calves, or back to experience relief and support.
You can get the SOOTHING BLEND in a premade roller, lotion, and Essential Oil. This blend is loved by many professional athletes, chiropractors, massage therapists, and families, and it’s no wonder. The fast, relaxing benefits of this oil make it one to have on hand every day. Try adding Frankincense, Copaiba, and Black Pepper to this powerful blend for even more intensity.
• Vitality Supplement Pack (1 capsule of each bottle with food at each meal, 3–4 of each daily)
• Digestive Enzyme Complex (1 capsule with food at each meal, 3 times daily)
• Probiotic Defense Formula (1 in the morning OR 1 in the evening)
• Frankincense (1 drop under tongue daily)
• Citrus Essential Oil (3–4 servings of citrus oil in water: 1–2 drops in 8 oz. water)
• Protective Blend (diffuse, or take internally or topically, 1–2 times per day)
• Lavender or Restful Blend (Diffuse and use topically on feet for a restful sleep)
• Grounding Blend (2–3 drops on feet once or twice daily)
• Soothing Blend Lotion (use daily as needed for support and relief)
For more information on this Daily Challenge: [Insert challenge or kit link.]
#dailyprotocol #soothingblend