DIGEST EASIER with the help of the DIGESTIVE ENZYME COMPLEX. This blend of ten wholefood enzymes helps to break down food and helps our body absorb the most nutrients each time we eat.
Enzymes play a critical role in growth, healing, energy, and healthy cells. Since the digestive tract has so much impact on other body systems, it is important to make sure to support digestion with the power of the DIGESTIVE ENZYME COMPLEX every day.
• Take one to three capsules with meals throughout the day.
• If your meal includes a lot of raw, fresh foods, take one capsule.
• If your meal includes highly processed foods or foods that bring GI discomfort, take two to three capsules.
• Vitality Supplement Pack (1 capsule of each bottle with food at each meal, 3–4 of each daily)
• Digestive Enzyme Complex (1 capsule with food at each meal, 3 times daily)
• Probiotic Defense Formula (1 in the morning OR 1 in the evening)
• Frankincense (1 drop under tongue daily)
• Citrus Essential Oil (3–4 servings of citrus oil in water: 1–2 drops in 8 oz. water)
• Protective Blend (diffuse, or take internally or topically, 1–2 times per day)
• Lavender or Restful Blend (Diffuse and use topically on feet for a restful sleep)
• Grounding Blend (2–3 drops on feet once or twice daily)
• Soothing Blend Lotion (use daily as needed for support and relief)
For more information on this Daily Challenge: [Insert challenge or kit link.]
#dailyprotocol #digestiveenzymes